Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Technology inventions can helps us by making
 our work faster and easier.

1.   With the calculator we can count faster

2.   Science technology  makes travelling easier and faster.




3.   The computer can store more imformation 
compared to human brain.

4.   Science technology also helps to connect people 
from all over the world.


Fax machine



                  1.   Things are made of different shapes.
                        These are the common shapes of things.

             2.   Shapes make things look beautiful.
                   Shapes can also make things look awkward.

        3.   Shapes help you see and think more clearly.
              What can you see in this picture? Look carefully.
 Do you see an old lady with a big nose, or do you see a beautiful girl?

4   We can change the shape and sizes of certain things.

Friday, April 20, 2012


                                    Some objects will sink to the bottom of the water.
                              Example :  stone, key, coin, metal spoon, magnet ..............
                                    Some objects will float at the top of the water.
                              Example : ping pong ball , pencil, balloon, straw, cork ........

Parts of Plant

Activiti Sheets

Parts of the animals



How do plants grow?


1.  Most plants start as a seed.

2.    The seed grows shoots. 

3.   The shoots grow into a young plant.

4.   The plant gets bigger and grows flowers.

Frog Life Cycle

What are the stages of the frog's life cycle?
     Eggs Frogs lay thousands of eggs that do not have shells.  They are  
              covered with a jelly-like substance that helps protect them from 
              being eaten by creatures in the water.  The eggs stick together 
              to form frog-spawn that floats to the top of the water.  A few
              days later the tadpoles hatch out.

     Tadpoles Tadpoles have a head, tail and body. They live under water 
                    and breathe through their gills.  They eat algae and other tiny   
                    water plants as they swim. After about a month, a bulge 
                    appears at the base of their tail where their hind legs will grow.  
                    They also begin to grow lungs for breathing.  

Tadpoles to Froglets After seven weeks their hind legs begin to grow.  
                              After nine weeks, front lets grow and their tails are  
                              almost gone.  After about twelve weeks the tadpoles  
                              can swim to the surface of the water and breathe in air.

             Adult Frogs After about three months, the tadpoles have become 
                               young frogs. They can live in or out of water and eat  
                               insects or worms.  

Monday, April 16, 2012


Haiwan Omnivor
Haiwan omnivor ialah haiwan yang makan tumbuhan dan haiwan lain.




Haiwan Karnivor

Haiwan karnivor ialah haiwan yang makan daging.


Haiwan Herbivor

Haiwan Herbivor ialah haiwan yang makan tumbuh – tumbuhan. Contohnya sererti yang berikut :

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Lembaran Kerja Sains Tahun 2

Lembaran Kerja Dunia Sains dan Teknologi Tahun  2
Nama : ______________                                                             Tarikh : _________
Kelas  : _________

Isi tempat kosong berdasarkan kitaran haiwan-haiwan di bawah

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Dokumen Standard Pelajaran Dunia Sains dan Teknologi KSSR Tahun 2

14 DSP Dunia Sains Dan Teknologi Tahun 2

RPH Dunia Sains dan Teknologi Tahun 2

RPH Dunia Sains dan Teknologi Tahun 2 KSSR

Rancangan Pengajaran Tahunan KSSR Tahun Satu (2012)


Hidupan Laut terbesar Di Dunia

Ikan Paus
Haiwan terbesar di dunia yang masih hidup adalah ikan paus biru.  Panjang haiwan ini mencapai 33 meter dan memiliki berat mencapai 181 ton.  Ini menjadikan haiwan ini menjadi raksasa di bawah laut.  Ikan paus raksasa ini biasanya ditemukan di samudra Hindia dan samudra Pasifik Selatan.  Malangnya, populasi ikan paus semakin berkurangan akibat pemburuan manusia.

Hidupan Di Laut

Haiwan di alam ini terbahagi kepada haiwan di darat dan haiwan di laut.

Pernahkah anda pergi menyelam untuk melihat haiwan di laut? Aktiviti menyelam sambil melihat hidupan laut amat menyeronokkan.  Di Pulau Kapas, aktiviti ini sangat popular dan anda boleh lihat betapa cantiknya ciptaan Tuhan di dalam air.
Yang tidak pernah pergi menyelam jangan sedih. Anda tetap boleh menikmati keindahan Tuhan ini.  Marilah kita berkongsi tentang keindahan benda hidup di dalam air. Perhatikan gambar di bawah dan lihat betapa cantiknya ciptaan Tuhan!!